Oh Mother!

Mother’s Day can be a meaningful expression to the person in our life we’ve turned to for comfort or guidance or gentle perspective.

Gatherings: Spring Baby Shower Menu

Spring has us thinking of entertaining again. With the flowers in bloom, the fresh perspective on the year, and a general sense of renewal, we’re ready to play host/ess with most/ess again. Since we love a party, we’re always happy to orchestrate an event for family and friends.

Baking at Home

When we’re not cutting into a fresh loaf of La Brea Bakery bread, you might find some of us at home baking our own breads and pastries. While it may be a bit counterintuitive to consider a bread brand sharing baking secrets, we love to celebrate the spirit of community that comes with baking.

Salad, it’s What’s for Dinner

We took a cue from the minds at Kitchn for this week’s dinner ideas: salad.  Crunchy greens dotted with fruit and veg make for a refreshing dinner alternative to the heavier winter menus we’ve likely all become used to over the past several

Most Popular Recipes of 2018

Spring heralds the big annual sweep – both literally and figuratively speaking. For some, that’s the storage closet they’re afraid to open, for others perhaps, it’s the baseboards and door jams. Around these parts, it’s the pantry.